Events List - courtesy of Jeff Cutler's Plancast

Here are some of the events happening around the world of tech, social media, arts and leisure. Enjoy.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Updated Calendar!

Now that it's Summer, the calendar is jammed with stuff to do in and around Boston. If you'd like an internship updating the calendar and learning social media, leave me a comment or Tweet at me @jeffcutler. I'm not sure I can pay much, but you'll eat for free and I have some cool gadgets I could give you in exchange for your hard work.

Along those same lines, have you noticed that many of the events that used to be free are now charging for attendance. Sox Tweetups and Pub Crawls (when did you have to pay someone for the ability to pay someone for booze?)

But the shakeup in social is coming. Get on the train and learn the specifics now before nobody will pay the gurus any longer.

What's happening in your world?

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