Events List - courtesy of Jeff Cutler's Plancast

Here are some of the events happening around the world of tech, social media, arts and leisure. Enjoy.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

How Far is the Cape?

The perspective people have over distance has puzzled me for years. A friend in the northern suburbs of Chicago would often have no issue going to the supermarket 45 minutes from her house or driving hours just to meet up with friends in another midwestern state.

Conversely, if those of us in Boston are presented with the 'challenge' of going to Somerville, Hingham, Dedham or even Portsmouth, we balk more violently than a child at vaccination time.

That being said, I wanted to share with you some photos of a quick adventure Gretchen and I took yesterday. We went ALL THE WAY to the Cape. Yesirreebob. And whilst on this peninsula (or is it an island as it is broken off by a waterway), we traveled to the very tip - Provincetown.

Enjoy the photos of our adventure. And next time somebody says "come to a tweetup in Quincy," think about how much of a hardship that 19-minute drive will be from your cushy, oddly provincial studio in the city.


brucegarber said...

So true Jeff. I think it's all about what one gets use to as far as travel. A long distance for one is just a hope, skip and a jump for an other. or, do you think it could be city traffic?
Anyway, nice post and I agree.
By the way did you pick up any of those old computers with mechanical keys (typewriters)? State of the art in it's day!

Anonymous said...

I would've bought the slap chop at first sight. I hope you did.