Events List - courtesy of Jeff Cutler's Plancast

Here are some of the events happening around the world of tech, social media, arts and leisure. Enjoy.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Duplication - not such a bad thing

Today I was poking around the calendar and making sure I hadn't overlooked anything and guess what I found? Right! Duplicate listings for a few events. Nothing wrong there in my eyes because it indicates that users are adding stuff to the calendar and participating.

I think I'd rather have a calendar with a few duplicate events rather than one without enough options for people. That's why I make sure at some point during the week to take a look at other calendars. If they've found a great event and we don't have it here, I'll just bring it over.

And if you're having an event or know of something we've missed here, drop a note in the comments. We want to make sure we have the complete picture of Boston and the region's tech and social events.


Have fun out there!

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