Events List - courtesy of Jeff Cutler's Plancast

Here are some of the events happening around the world of tech, social media, arts and leisure. Enjoy.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Blog snafu and calendar items

I was poking around some of my other blogs today - the day after Christmas - and noticed that this blog had a 'last post' date of 12/25. Well, that wasn't true. I hadn't actually put a post up here since 12/5 and thought it must be a mistake.

It sort-of was. You see, the blog counts itself as being published - as near as I can figure - any time there is a something new in it. And because there's a calendar embedded in the blog it sees all new entries as new posts.

Oddly, I haven't updated the calendar since the NogUp because many folks plan their own things around the holidays and I haven't taken the time to update stuff here. But to that end, I'm thinking about a new tack.

Going forward, I might do a few different things and want your opinions.

Should I...

Keep the calendar going as I had it - and update it weekly with new events?
Eliminate the calendar and just do posts on upcoming events and recaps of past events?
Embed calendars from other people - or provide just a link to their calendars?
Or something different?

Would love your input. Please leave a comment or send me a note on Twitter.

Thanks and happy holidays!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sunday, December 5, 2010

What did you do today? It's often the question posed by people at home when you finish the workday. Or it's what people say to you at the bar when you're done at the office.

Well, today was a fun little jaunt into networking for me. I attended Boston Media Makers where I saw dozens of friends and colleagues including Steve Garfield, Joselin Mane, Adam Zand, Melinda Green, Reiko and Tom Beach, Lane Sutton and more.

The talk of the day was solving issues with DSLR (step up Adam Weiss), putting on the best events (like the MegaTweetup on Dec. 16 at NERD), and a lot of cool gadgets and gear (like the jacket worn by Phil Campbell with about a gazillion pockets and features).

In all, a great session at Doyle's. I'm looking forward to the next meeting --- on New Year's Day, so mark your calendar.

So, what did you do today? Or this week?

Friday, December 3, 2010

Fun Channukah Video

So, I was poking around the Interwebs and was directed to the movie here by Ari Herzog. It's a Channukah song. I welcome you to share interesting seasonal and event-relevant content here as well. Just leave a comment and we'll make it happen.
